Committing our Plans

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans: Past, Present, and Future

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20:7)

As we remember veterans past and present and their sacrifices this Veteran's day, please also consider the future veterans.  TCU is educating future army and air force leaders through its ROTC program.  We have a wonderful opportunity to shape the future of the military by helping each of these men and women reach their full potential: academically, physically, and spiritually.  Would you pray for the students, faculty and staff of the TCU ROTC program? 

Please pray that:

  • each ROTC student would hear a clear message of the gospel while they are at TCU and those who accept Christ would grow in their faith.  
  • ROTC leaders who are Christians would be able to build strong, encouraging relationships with each other and nonbelievers.
  • student soldiers be able to find balance and success in the competing demands of academics, relationships and training obligations. 
  • ROTC faculty and staff have wisdom in how to train ethical leaders in warfare as well as peacemaking.
  • the TCU community would encourage and support ROTC students, staff, and faculty regardless of their political views.

Thank you for praying.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wise Counsel: Spring Semester Advising

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. 
(Proverbs 15:22)

This week began a two-week period of advising at TCU.  While the focus is often on selecting classes for the Spring, it is also an opportunity to discuss career aspirations and build mentoring relationships.  Because it happens at a busy time of the semester, some students choose to make these decisions without counsel.  In addition to discussing a class schedule, it is a chance for students to connect more deeply with faculty and staff.  

Would you be praying for these conversations? Please pray: 
  • advising conversations go beyond the necessary (but often superficial) discussion of course selection
  • students would be willing to talk about concerns they may have as they face uncertain futures and other pressures.  
  • faculty and staff would be sensitive to student concerns and provide wise counsel for this next generation.   
  • God would be honored in advising relationships and conversations.
  • we make the most of every opportunity to encourage and reach out to others in the name of Christ.
Thanks for praying!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Love TCU Athletics?

Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain.  (Psalm 127:1)

College World Series Baseball, #4 Ranked Football Team, NCAA Championship Rifle team: it's a wonderful time to be a Horned Frog Fan.  

Lots of people are praying for the Frogs to win on the playing field; let's be praying for them to be winners in life.  The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is working toward that goal.  Chauncey Franks has recently been hired to serve as the FCA Life and Character Coach at TCU.  He and intern Emily Watson are building relationships and working to present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church. 
  • Please pray that FCA would find open doors and open hearts at TCU.   
  • The TCU FCA Huddle Kick-off is this Tuesday (10/26).  Please pray for believing athletes and coaches would  demonstrate the values of integrity, service, teamwork and excellence and that the TCU Huddle would grow.  
  • Please pray for wisdom and energy for Chauncey and Emily as they provide discipleship opportunities for coaches and athletes.   
  • Pray that others come alongside to share in the work and encourage them in these efforts.
Thank you for praying!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Frogs for a Cure

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. 
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary
they will walk and not be faint.  (Isaiah 40:28b-31)

Wordle: Frogs for the Cure

Please pray for this week's Frogs for a Cure activities, which raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer Education and Research.   The highlight will be a halftime program at the TCU vs. BYU game on Saturday.  Pray that God would be honored as we show our  compassion and support for breast cancer patients, survivors, their families and friends.   Pray that God would be their strength.  Please also pray that we would make the most of every opportunity to share Christ's good news with a world in need. 

Thank you!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Our Refuge

May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. Psalm 20:1

This week we learned that we lost a member of our Horned Frog Family to suicide.  This is the second student suicide at TCU in less than a year, and one of several this semester at universities around the country.  The statistics tell us that TCU is doing better than most schools at addressing the emotional needs of our students, but a lower than average suicide rate is not comforting.  Each life is precious.  We don't want to lose a single one.

Would you pray for our TCU family as we mourn the loss of Stephen Scherer?  Please also pray that:

  • his family be comforted and find their refuge in the LORD in the coming weeks and months.
  • TCU would be a place where students make meaningful connections which help buffer the stresses of daily life.   
  • each student on campus would know and be known by at least one believing student, faculty, or staff member who can share the hope that we have in Christ.

Thank you for praying.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Religious Knowledge

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge" Proverbs 1:7

Our beliefs and faith are based in what we think is true.  Why do we have faith in Christ?  We may believe He is who he says he is, the fulfillment of God's promise for a Messiah, because we grew up hearing this good news.  We may have seen this truth being lived out by others and become interested in the peace and confidence they had.   We may have been convicted of the truth as we read through Scripture.  We may have tested out other ideas and found Jesus to be a better answer than any other.  

The Pew Forum released results of a recent survey of Religious Knowledge in America.  While people may argue whether these questions represent the important basic facts of major world religions, the survey found that as a whole, Americans have significant knowledge gaps in their religious education.  Unfortunately, Christians did not stand out as the most knowledgeable group.  In fact, atheists did better than all other religious groups. (Click this link to take the test for yourself)

At TCU, students must take a class in religions tradition to complete the core curriculum.  It can be a comparative religion class, one grounded in Christian history, or more specific to another religious tradition.  Dr. Andy Fort, a religion professor at TCU, commented that he doubted any religion professor was surprised by the results of the Pew survey.  This is both a shame and a wonderful opportunity.  We know there is no truth greater than God's truth, and deep faith comes from testing and critically evaluating knowledge claims.  The only way to change a belief is to change the underlying knowledge base.  Education matters.  Knowing what we believe and why we believe it is key to a lasting spiritual foundation.

Would you pray:

  • TCU would be a place where God's truth shines brightly, in classroom instruction and in believers' lives.  
  • those of us who know the one true and living God would be confident in sharing what we know and have experienced so that others may come to know Him as well.  
  • classes in religion be relevant, inspired, and clear so that students who are seeking Truth will find it.  
  • as we interact with people of different faith backgrounds, we be interested in what they believe and why they believe it.  That we would ask insightful questions and listen, so they would see Christians as thoughtful, relational and loving.
  • our Christian faith would be based in knowledge and fact, not just feelings.
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Christian Community

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 15:5-6)

More than 15 TCU student organizations are identified as having a Christian mission. According to the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, student membership in one or more of these organizations is about 1000 students. This represents 1 out of every 8 undergraduate students. What an amazing opportunity for Christian community. Would you pray:

  • these organizations would work together to create strong Christian community at TCU
  • their members would be encouraged and challenged to mature in their faith and reach out to others in love
  • faculty/staff mentors and student leaders would have clear vision and purpose in achieving their mission
  • for God's protection from worldly influences and temptations that would harm their witness 
  • each organization see their membership strengthen in numbers and influence for God's glory
  • students who are seeking to know more about God would find these organizations welcoming and attractive
Thank you for lifting up these prayer requests.  We know God is at work at TCU, and look forward to sharing updates on these prayer requests in the coming weeks.  


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vision in Action

This week, TCU conducted two Town Hall meetings to seek input for the University's long-term strategic plan. Faculty, staff, administrators, and students reviewed key principles that define TCU's mission and vision and discussed steps to further enact them. Would you pray for our campus leaders as they take that input and shape it into a plan which will be presented to the Board of Trustees? Pray that they would seek God's wisdom and that the Holy Spirit would have his fingerprints on the recommendations so the future direction of TCU would conform to His perfect plan. And as we seek God's blessing on these plans, please also pray that we are a blessing to others.

Thank you for your prayers. Go Frogs!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fresh starts--Convocation

TCU's Convocation ceremony marks the official start of our 2010-2011 academic year, the 100th year in Fort Worth. There will be a wonderful celebration with a performance of the TCU Chorale, and the Minister to the University will call on the community to honor God with their giftings and talents. The Chancellor will review our past accomplishments and cast a vision of new goals and initiatives for the new year. An outstanding professor will be recognized as a model Teacher/Scholar and an inspiring Mentor will receive an award. It is a great way to start the semester, an opportunity to restate our mission, celebrate our accomplishments as a community, and identify where we need to put our collective energy in the days ahead.

Would you pray that the worship we engage in at today's Convocation be honoring to the One True God. And that those who of us who are Christ-followers in the audience will recommit ourselves to engage our spirit in the pursuit of truth. Please pray that we would see our work is an act of worship, and that we would be reinvigorated to share the love of Christ with others as we experience His blessing at TCU.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Invitation to Pray for TCU

Welcome to Fall 2010!

Despite the lingering hot weather, TCU is showing exciting signs of Fall: the Class of 2014 has unpacked and is settling in, classes have begun, and on Saturday, TCU's sixth-ranked football team faces No. 24 Oregon State at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington.

As this new academic year begins, we are asking believers who have a heart for TCU to pray for the Horned Frog family. While there are so many accomplishments to celebrate and opportunities to enjoy, we know that there are also many needs. We also know that prayer changes things, and that God has asked us to pray as an act of worship and belief. So we are inviting you to pray for students, staff, faculty, families, alumni, the Board of Trustees, and our neighbors. It is our hope that by praying for the TCU community over the upcoming year, this will be a welcoming, caring community that is God-honoring.

This week, we are praying for our new class of freshmen as they adjust to new living situations, challenging courses, and many opportunities to grow. They are excited, scared, frustrated, joyful, and anxious and eager. While most will have a group of caring family, friends, TCU staff and faculty supporting them, some will feel very alone. Some will struggle with making good decisions, and establishing healthy boundaries. Some Christian students will struggle in their faith as they come face-to-face with "the world."

Would you pray today for these young people? They are the future of the Horned Frogs.

So, that's it. An invitation to pray. If you would like to get a weekly TCU prayer update, please subscribe to this blog. You will receive a new prayer request every Thursday throughout the academic year. You can always unsubscribe and we'll never share your email addresses with anyone. If you know someone who might like this opportunity, please send them the url link to this blog so they can subscribe too.

We look forward to your comments, and would be happy to answer any questions. Please post them here or email them to

Thank you....and GO FROGS!!!